Saturday, June 02, 2007

Sorry for the lack of updates lately. I'm still in Germany. I guess sometimes it takes a while to get things moving. They wanted the doctors in theater to talk with the doc here before I go anywhere, but I see myself moving to the states relatively soon. In the mean time, they are keeping me busy with swearing in navy enlistees. It was actually a pretty funny story. I'm in my PT uniform and these Navy recruiters walk up and are asking for an officer to swear this guy into the navy. Everyone points me out. I'm like "what did I do?" Then I'm really uncomfortable because everyone else is in full dress uniform and here I am in PTs swearing this guy in. They did give me a cool coffee mug and pen though. I will post about this place tomorrow, but the hospital here at Landstuhl has a place called the "Chaplains Closet." They receive donations from the states with all kinds of stuff. Its an amazing thing. Most of the Soldiers coming into Germany don't really have much with them. This place gives clothes, toiletries, etc. to these Soldiers immediately. The Army does give a clothing voucher to buy clothes, but not everyone can go out and buy stuff. This is run by some great people. I'm getting their contact information tomorrow and I'll post it when I get back. This is a really great service to the wounded Soldiers that are evacuated here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Steve,
I'm sure you can't wait to know something...
Well, at least you are indoors (I'm assuming there's air conditioning?) and are keeping busy...

Look forward to hearing the updates,
Lily ;)

11:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for letting us know about the service in Germany--when you post the info, we will spread the word.

Anxiously waiting to hear about your future.

Mom and Dad

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi steve.....
it's soooooo good to see your update..... i pray you will hear something very soon..... the waiting must be very frustrating..... hang in there.....
how are you feeling?.... i hope you are feeling much better and your body is healing from your "tweeked" diet....
keep the updates coming, and be assured of my prayers for you and your unit..
k's auntie c

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1LT Smith,
I copy. I still would like to have you back at G-ville when your first tour is up.

LTC Reichard 041430June(local)

10:24 PM  
Blogger Claudia said...

Well, we are the lucky ones in Washington because we get to see Steve soon! Yeah!

James and Claudia

12:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear that you are feeling better. Sounds like you are on the mend. I have taken a few clues from your experience, and have adjusted my diet, working wonders, feeling better already, thank you for the updates.
Take well.....
NY Cousin Joann

5:21 AM  

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