Friday, October 20, 2006

I had a few thoughts that have been cycling through my head these past few weeks. As a leader, I am confronted with challenges on a daily basis. You learn from mistakes, adapt and move on. At least, these are the basic tenants I go by. Some challenges are greater than others. The hardest challenge (i.e. intangible enemy) that I am fighting right now, here in Mosul, is ourselves (relative to American society as a whole). How am I to explain to these guys that they are doing an amazing job over here, when all I hear and see on the news is our failure? Of course, these are just opinions that I observe, but do they understand the ramifications of their actions? Clearly not. These people, who do not believe in what we are doing here and consider it a failure, cannot, in any regard, still support the troops. To support our troops, but not the war, is a two faced statement, and irrevocably illogical. We, in regards to us soldiers, are inherently connected to the success and failure of this war. If you support the troops, then you will support their actions and be behind them regardless of the cirmcumstances. We have shown, once again, that we are our own worst enemy. I cannot explain this war to my soldiers, when our own people criticize what we do and consider it a failure. Why do we glorify the insidiuos and cowardice behavior of deserting soldiers, when they should be considered what they are, cowards? Please, let me digress for a moment. This is not a commentary on retricting people's right to free speech and so forth. This is not a war mongering commentary. In fact, after my experiences, I can confidently state that I would be more cautious and reluctant then before commencing any military actions, unless the conditions are clearly set. I believe the underlying problem is that American society does not understand the power of words. I would guess that it is easy to comment on something you don't understand. However, this does not mean that people should not discuss this war. Though I do believe that education, experience, and a cautious use of words would rectify much of the damage already done. Why do I take this so personally and seriously? The moral of my men has a direct impact on whether they will live or die each day. I choose to live and so does everyone here. Despite this desire, demoralizing conditions do great harm, in regards to keeping my men safe. These conditions lead to complacency, which will, at one point, lead to another tragic event that I don't want repeated. In summary, I implore you, as a collective group, to consider your thoughts before you speak and understand that your comments have a lasting effect on real people that fight this war on a daily basis. As a side note, this is social satire. Please do not consider it directed at anyone that has supported me, my soldiers, and my family throughout this time. I will always remember how all of you, family included, helped your troops through these difficult times. I will continue the fight as always.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

know that the overwhelming majority of folks here are praying for you, our troops...... there are many, i believe, who want to write/voice words without realizing the power of them..... because it is spoken, does not make it true......
the truth is that you and your men are making a difference over there.. you are giving hope where there once was none...... you are showing how to respect and defend one's country, and you are truly communicating the heart of God as you continue to help, defend, and befriend so many who are seeking liberty.....
meanwhile, i continue to pray.......
hugs to you,
k's auntie c

2:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time to write and post pictures. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about the lack of real or true news and the unfortunate fact that it is so easy for people to just talk, without thinking, without realizing what it does to the troops, without having a clue what it would be like for any of us to be there. I'm sorry you have to watch and hear those news, I'm sorry that the positive, supportive and true feelings don't make the news..... but you know how that goes.

Be safe, stay healthy (boil the water!) thanks for all you are doing and thank your guys too!

Your neighbors! in Wa.

9:20 AM  

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