Saturday, November 11, 2006

The Iraqi Army Colonel took us to his summer house, which was situated on a hilltop with a nice view of the surrounding mountains. In this picture, I was eating grapes from his vineyard. Delicious, I must add. Very relaxing. I could see myself sitting on this porch, enjoying the view for quite a while.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can see it now...
Don't forget eating the seeds on the porch.

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Steve,

Just want to know is the
guy a winemaker??

There is something really
relaxing about looking out
over a vineyard and especially
with the mountains in the background.

Keeping you in thoughts and prayer.
Keep safe and know how much I appreciate this wonderful blog.

Cousin Gloria DeCotis

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, its good to own land.

3:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi Stephen
i am with my brother, john at his house.
i have been sending you love and prayers almost evry week but i was pressing the wrong key. my brother has set me on the right track. we love you and we pray for you and your unit. god speed
aunt gloria

12:23 AM  

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