Thursday, August 17, 2006

I know your looking for pictures. I have been taking them, most of them I can't post. I have some I will post soon. We are supposed to have internet in our rooms soon, which will make it much easier to update this. I wanted to share one story. The other day, during a mission, I found myself sitting on a hill, eating dinner with a Khurdish officer who was in the Iraqi Army. We talked throughout the night for maybe four hours or so. The conversation started with Saddam's atrocities on the Khurds and continued on into the overwarching problems that we face, which are the ingrained cultural distrust between the Khurds and the Arabs. This was introduced by Saddam and beat into the populous for 35 years. Its amazing how much you learn just by listening to someone talk. The discussion went into the school systems and the difficulties of working out a system of violence and militarism introduced into schools by Saddam. We had Khurdish food, mostly a meat with rice and a flat tortilla bread. I'm telling you, its not bad at all and it doesn't make me sick, so game on. I'm staying busy, very busy. I'll post some pictures as soon as I can. Sorry if I haven't responded to everyone's posts. I'm not ignoring anyone, just very little free time for me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear from you, Steve! We know you're doing a great job - one that none of us could ever do! Continue to stay safe and know that we're always thinking of you!


Mr/s C.

6:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Стёпа!!!!

This is Ida, Jake and Stas V. giving you a holler from Fort Myers, FL. We miss you and we're glad to see that your sense of humor is as spirited as always! We're considering a Perry reunion for when you come back. We're going to give you one hell of a welcome back! Stay safe and we're keeping you in out thoughts!

7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sir, this is the V-man, The one that has taught you well. I hope that your doing fine and that your doing ok. Just to let you know its 95 today in Gainesville.


9:22 PM  

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