Monday, August 28, 2006

Sitting with the Khurds (Iraqi Army) having a meal. You know, I haven't been sick once from their food and its not too bad. The vegetables are fresh and the meat is good. Thanks for all the packages. The men are loving all the stuff. I see their eyes light up when they receive one. Thank you for all the gator stuff too. I am tormenting the Bulldog, who is now the XO. Its great for me, bad for him. If I haven't e-mailed you directly in a while, I apologize, just send me another one to remind me. Im still going strong and its proved effective. My unit is great and the equipment is amazing. These men are relaxed but tough, which makes the time go. The personal interaction with the locals is mostly good, but you have to turn the compassion off sometimes. Its a difficult task, but we are taking this city to the next level. Progress is everywhere and I am proud of what we are doing. They keep us busy and my commander is excellent. I couldn't ask for anything more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You look great Steve! So happy to see your smiling face. Perhaps we'll remove the Gator stuff from the next package! Just waiting for the okay from K. to send it off. Continue to stay safe - you're in our thoughts always! Love, Mrs. C.

3:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear that things are going well. Take a picture of your "gator room". You look terrific!

Love, M and D

8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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8:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How did I get so lucky as to date the guy who makes everyone's eyes light up?

Can't wait to hear more about progress - keep taking care of yourself, you look happy Babe - so proud of you!

1:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that we are thinking about you! It's good to hear that you are doing well.

Dee and Kara

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this picture reminds me of when you and your ROTC boys would take over las margaritas =) hope all is well!

xoxo, Laura

9:35 PM  

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