Saturday, February 24, 2007

Its crazy. The Iraqi Army have tanks. Yes they are old, but still.

Friday, February 23, 2007

A picture from operations recently. Thought it was a pretty nice picture. No, I'm not 225 lbs. Kitty is spreading lies again. Mr. Gainesvilles are going to kill me when I get back. Congrats Kara. I hope to be back in the states by then. Russia and cruise it is.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Officers of Charger Company. Last time we had a picture with our old Commander. This is right after an awards ceremony and the change of command. From left to right. Greg, Jordan, CPT Brent Clemmer, Justin, Adonis (thats my new name), and Lance.

Monday, February 19, 2007

Here is another article in reference to the Baghdad Plan. Our part, clearing operations. One of my buddies is quoted a few times. LT Harbick. Funny guy. On another note. One of my Squad Leader's was on Fox News with Heraldo. That guy just makes me mad looking at him. I thought they kicked him out anyway.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Another picture of the Fun Run. CPT Clemmer, my old Commander is on the far left.
Picture from Najaf. Mortar positions. Those are 60mm. You see the eerie dust storm that morning. I guess its eerie due to what we saw that day, but still just weird.