Thursday, April 19, 2007

And I know this is what we have all been waiting least me. This is me relaxing on vacation. Kitty on the right. In good ol' Gainesville.
Here is me trying to get the mike adjusted. A natural I might say. It took me about 5 min. I think thats pretty good.
This was at the Perry Rotary Club meeting. They honored 2nd Platoon there. Very nice. My Dad is to the right. When I first got back on leave, he started talking up a storm about this amazing presentation I had...then I had to quickly put something together. I had a good time though.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

This is not political. I just thought this was awesome. To get the president to do the gator chomp. Thats right. The white house is orange and blue.
I'm back from leave now. I was so excited to get back that I jumped in the first sandpile I saw and started rolling around. Ok back to reality. It was great to get a dose of reality again while on leave. I have some pictures. I will get them posted soon. I had the pleasure of speaking with a few of people that have donated to our unit. I know I didn't see everyone, but it was great to shake a few hands. Yes, I have been extended. I should be back in the fall. Hopefully, before the florida/georgia game in late october. Looking forward to that though. 5 more months. It was funny on leave. I kept talking about events that occurred and I would repeatedly refer to them occurring a year ago. Then my friends would say, "no that happened two years ago. I would say no its not and that would go on for a while. Then I would realize that it actually did happen then. Point is, you lose a year over here. Its like everything is put on hold until you return. Its the wierdest thing becuase you just kind of pick up where you left off. Not really progressing at all in that year. Its difficult to explain. I'll get some pictures posted soon.